#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 59 - Simple List Future Log
/Welcome to Day 59 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project!
Idea 59: Simple List Future Log
Simple List Future Log
When I made the Bullet Journal Reference Guide, I added a few little easter eggs in there. One of them was a suggestion to look up different kinds of Future Logs, one of them being a simple list.
This is what I meant:
A Simple List Future Log helps you quickly write down future events with a simple bullet and signifier method
The way it works is that it's a rapid-logging method of Future Logging where you just toss in any and all appointments you can think of.
It works simply by writing down the date and put signifiers down the side. I also wrote down the months on the side to glance at quickly because I can sometimes forget what month '8' is, for example. I first shared this Simple List Future Log last year on my Instagram, I'm grateful for this project to help me finally share it on the blog! :)
P.S. If you're new to the Bullet Journal®, I recommend checking out BulletJournal.com, it was invented by Ryder Carroll. Ryder is an awesome human that walks you through how to set up your own Bullet Journal with his handy tutorial video that you can check out at BulletJournal.com!
Supplies Used:
Some of the links used in this article are Amazon Affiliate links, such as the items below, which means that if you make a purchase through them, I will make a commission at NO extra cost to you. Thank you for your support in helping keep Tiny Ray of Sunshine running!
Notebook - Leuchtturm1917
Pen - Mini TWSBI 580 Classic
Ink - Faber-Castell Stone Grey